Thursday, July 31, 2008


Sorry for not updating the past two days. I was feeling a bit under the weather. I do have some good news, though. Yesterday, I got my acceptance letter for Mensa. Yeah! I'll be joining the Broward County chapter.

Yesterday I took my son to see the Veggie Tales Pirate Who Don't Do Anything movie. I enjoyed it, but he's still too young to handle a full length movie. About a half hour into it he was already saying that he wanted to go home. We did manage to make it through the whole movie, but it took alot of my daddy powers. I'm hoping by this time next year he'll be able to focus his attention for more than 20 minutes or so.

Overall, the movie was pretty good. The songs were catchy and the story was good. It wasn't as fast paced as the half hour episodes, but few movies are. If you have children, or are a big child yourself, I would recommend seeing it.

I also started playing Tenchu Z this week. I had never heard of this game before, but when I see something go under $30, I start researching it. The reviews were good, so I picked it up. Most games are pretty one dimension, even when they are good. Tenchu Z turned out to be surprisingly good and multi-dimensional. You can customize your character's abilities, outfits, and inventory. There is a large selection of skills, equipment, and outfits that unlock as you finish certain levels or complete certain accomplishments.

Tenchu Z is a mission based game where you assume the role of a ninja. You have alot of control over how you complete your missions. The key is to hide in the shadows, move slowly, and try to take out the guards as quietly as possible. Of course, you could just rampage your way through the entire mission, but you end up with your reward reduced for getting spotted and what they call mayhem time. You can also system link and go online to play with other people. I've replayed the first ten levels about 4 times each trying to improve my score, and I'm still not bored with them. Overall, a really good game.

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